Sunday, December 7, 2008

Busy, busy, busy getting organised to launch JoJo Sewing Kits - a range of bags, purses and Kids’ Aprons (with more creations to come in the future) inspired by fabrics from some of Australia’s extremely talented textile designers. I've combined these gorgeous fabrics with quality natural fabrics and finshings to create a kit which includes everything that's needed to create a beautiful handcrafted piece of your own!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Drum Dolls

These are some of Kristen Doran's gorgeous "Drummer Boys" or Drum Dolls as my boys call them! My littlest fell in love with Kristen's Matryoshka Dolls & wanted a set for himself so he was most impressed with this alternative!

A pencil case made from the leftover pieces of fabric.